waiting to get ready
Today I called the receptionist, but that was after four full days of uncertainty.
My cooperating teacher (CO) and I met in June, the day after school was our for him. In his emails it said he was going to be busy (summer school principal) so he had no time for a meeting but I could drop by and introduce myself.He was finishing up working in one of the faculty work areas. I walked in and introduced myself. And started to talk while he was working. He asked if we could talk after he finished his scantrons. oops
Yeah, I could wait, no problem. So then we went back to his room. He showed me some stuff and spend a long time trying to track down text books which I might be able to use over the summer. We were spending so much time that I knew he could be using for other things, but he kept showing me things and I kept listening. Very good stuff - how much homework and when, his style of interacting with students. But minutes kept ticking by. Finally I found some excuss. I mean, I could have stayed there longer, but I already felt it was an imposition. Maybe not. We are from different cultures, we are different genders. Lost in translation of some type.
At the time, he thought I would start the same day that the kids started. I thought I would attend inservice meetings with him ahead of time. Hmmm
summer classes, summer practicum at camp,
Orientation hits on the Thursday before we official should be starting: be at school this Monday for teacher inservices. It is as if you are a teacher. If you have no place to go, go with a buddy.
The High School's teachers don't officially start until Tuesday but I am prepared. I send an email on Friday, the day after our orientation, to my CO. I let him know that I can start (maybe can is too weak) on Monday, and would be happy to help with anything and go to any appropriate inservice meetings (some meetings with unions, etc. were suggested by the University as some our COs might not think of as appropriate). I even advised him of a meeting my university advisor would want to have with us at my CO's convenience and asked if before school started (this coming week) would be good for him. I ask him to let me know when to come in - I don't want to show up unexpected or be seen as demanding and bossy. So I send it on Friday.
-Wonder if he's back in the states from vacation, on Saturday.
-Pray in church, pray in the car, review the books my CO loaned me on Sunday.
-and Monday, I get up at 6 to start getting in a new habit and
doing a lot, for sitting. Clearing up stacks of things to do, fixing my computer, working on my classwork ahead of time, worrying and wondering if I'm doing the right thing by letting the ball fall in my CO's unresponsive email box.
-again on Tuesday but more intense.
Just typing this my stomach is knotting and I consciously have to take deep breaths and relax. Tuesday was the day teachers started. My CO should look in him email box at least today, and let me know? Four others are student teaching at Newberg. One has received an email from her teacher, she is to come in on Wednesday. So I am consoled, a bit. But I recieve no email, no instructions. Am I supposed to guess. Was my CO serious last June about me starting with the kids next week!!!!! I get more done and my room and life seem almost as organized as they can get. I don't let myself sleep even though my body asks for it, to cope with frustration. As I am scrolling through my cell phone's contact list, deleting obsolete contacts, I notice Mandy's name and call. I invite myself over to a night at her place after her three children are put to sleep and she has a chance to run errands. So good. We talk, she plans her school lessons for Nathanial - her just 4 year-old. Duets with Starts is on the TV. Why do we yawn?
-Wednesday morning I find that not even Bill Nye knows why we yawn. He lists a lot of stuff about his own trials with yawning
Makes sense.
But I am still cheerful on the phone. Great! Do you have my email address? Let me know if there is anything else I can help with. Okay, my supervisors wants to set up a meeting with us, I imagine the coming week is out. What about the week after? What time on Tuesday? 7:30 it is.
So kids get to school at what time? And I . . . .?
you know what? I've been to three years' worth of inservices. In an elementary school, granted. But I'll probably figure that out. I did this same thing my first day of assistant teaching -showing up on the same day as the students.
So what will I need in order to be successful that first day?
I thought about dropping of my CO's copy of the Student teacher handbook, but I'm pretty sure handing it to him in person will be best.
Tour of school. Wonder if some of the students could come and give me a tour. Della Anderson, Glen Gathercoal. Hmm.
Letter to parents? My CO and I will have to figure this out. Probably not as big of a deal as it is for elementary students.
I'll just observe the first day.
Parent and Student and Teacher handbooks - I can ask for those in the office.
Map of school, high-school-specific calendar - front office
So I'll know my way around, I've already familiarized myself with the school online
Content I will be teaching - more review of the books
Do I need to go observe elsewhere for this week? why? maybe for the experience of it all. Places I would love to go: Hermiston, Oregon and McLaren in Salem. Hermiston is too far - I've already spent a chunk of money on gas this Fall. But McLaren might work, or another high school with one of my co-hort buddies. I think being in the same high school might cause some tension.
How do I figure out how much time I need to be spending in my math assignment? I just emailed program coordinator.
Oohhh, I could go to a sports event.
Do I need to let my university supervisor or my cohort leader know that my cooperating teacher has asked me to come in on the first day of school and not before? I could feel comfortable with it. I don't want to get in trouble and I don't want to miss out. Leaning toward viewing this not as a problem but as a challenge and I have some ways I'm dealing with it: go to the NHS office, ask for a tour from students. Is there a student night or registration I should be involved in? Well, I haven't been told about it. Should I "bother" again by asking. I would have to call to insure a reply. Email didn't seem to work. I'm content to do things my CO's way.
But if I can do anything to be more ready - I'll do it!