
Tuesday, August 11, 2020

Attraction doesn't have to become sexual

I had epiphany today that attraction doesn't have to turn sexual. We get to decide if we turn the attraction sexual or toward friendship. I remember the native American proverb of two wolves fighting in all of us. The one that wins is the one I feed. Thanks M for being a part of this realization. A further question could be which attraction is harder to nurture? What are the variables?

Hope You Change

Pain may be the price of love, but disappointment is the price of hope. M, I thought you would change, or maybe I hoped you'd live up to who I thought you were. Still might happen but each disappoint rips away another thread of hope and care. https://youtu.be/4afd9Zd4-kE

I miss hugging, I miss touch

Our current virus outbreak has increased isolation and decreased touch. We're all starving for physical comfort and companionship. Breach some barriers today by sending a virtual hug to a friend. Describe how you'd see, approach, touch, hold him/her. How your body would react with joy: heat, heart. Thank her/him for a sacred space to experience this touch.