First Day of School
I didn't sleep last night - maybe it was a whole clove or garlic which I ate with some chicken, maybe it was the worry I was chewing on all night. How do we trust God when our bodies seem in a cycle of worry? I guess more than trust, I just wanted rest. Rest is opposed to worry, though, isn't it.
So similar to my second day of grad school after my first sleepless night, I brought a bottle of soda water to sip on and headed off to the unknown.
Seeing the kids buoyed my spirits. This is one of the reasons I feel like teaching is the right way for me to be heading now. I arrived early and met a next-door teacher, the German teacher who started the German program at Newberg High. She is also the department chair. Good to know.
And I re-met my mentor teacher. He had a schedule of the day (seminars in the morning and then 10 minute class periods in the afternoon) for me and is really laid back but prepared. We went on duty for crowd control at the Senior assembly, then the Junior assembly. I asked a bunch of questions and his frank observations of the assembly broke the ice. He kept asking me what questions I had and we would take time to go over things I've been storing up in my mind during the last week and months.
School-wide discipline policy? Not really.
Parking stickers? check
Daily schedule? check. We have a good schedule: 1st period Spanish 1, 2nd period spanish 2, 3rd period Prep, 4th period Spanish 1, Lunch for us, 5th period Spanish 1
Perod length? 72 minutes "it is long"
Class size? 34 to 39 registered so far
Desks in class? 39
Many native spanish speakers in class? no
My interactions with native Spanish and a native Vietnamiese girl (Le Lien) have gone very well. I might have expected them to be intimidating, but they are doing well. I also had a short but good talk with to special ed kids waiting in line for pictures. They were confused, admitedly and seemed open to talking with me. From a brief conversation with my MT, I knew Ana when her friends sang happy birthday to her and went to talk with her. Good discussion and connection. I started speaking English with another girl, then when her friends were prompting her to say yes, I was able to switch to spanish. I hope she knew I was joking. Her friends didn't seem to know what to make of a lady in a suit joking with them.
The suit seemed to help several adults introduce themselves as well. Maybe their are just friendly.
And I met some parents: Sandra Fish, Jim Flemming, Carla Anderson who were helping out with the Freshman (sophomore?) barbeque.
I've heard it said that this is Freshman class has a good repulations, just ask the English teachers.
I saw about 15 youth I already know: Jay, Glen, Les, McKennen, Amy, others from Surfside, Ben.
I am borrowing Spanish 1 and Spanish 2 teacher editions from one of the 4.5 Spanish teachers. The new teacher teaches Spanish and French.
We discussed when I might be able to start teaching classes and what that might look like.
Had lunch in the literacy lab and made Boise connections. More questions and information
Timothy already knows Arabic (4th Period) and says he will be "hard to teach" which could be true if he continues to talk like he did. But he is friendly.
I will not wear my first day shoes again until my toes stop hurting. My goal to look older, or at least not a student, was accomplished and affirmed in my first adult conversation of the day. "I thought you were probably not a student because of how you dressed." check
So similar to my second day of grad school after my first sleepless night, I brought a bottle of soda water to sip on and headed off to the unknown.
Seeing the kids buoyed my spirits. This is one of the reasons I feel like teaching is the right way for me to be heading now. I arrived early and met a next-door teacher, the German teacher who started the German program at Newberg High. She is also the department chair. Good to know.
And I re-met my mentor teacher. He had a schedule of the day (seminars in the morning and then 10 minute class periods in the afternoon) for me and is really laid back but prepared. We went on duty for crowd control at the Senior assembly, then the Junior assembly. I asked a bunch of questions and his frank observations of the assembly broke the ice. He kept asking me what questions I had and we would take time to go over things I've been storing up in my mind during the last week and months.
School-wide discipline policy? Not really.
Parking stickers? check
Daily schedule? check. We have a good schedule: 1st period Spanish 1, 2nd period spanish 2, 3rd period Prep, 4th period Spanish 1, Lunch for us, 5th period Spanish 1
Perod length? 72 minutes "it is long"
Class size? 34 to 39 registered so far
Desks in class? 39
Many native spanish speakers in class? no
My interactions with native Spanish and a native Vietnamiese girl (Le Lien) have gone very well. I might have expected them to be intimidating, but they are doing well. I also had a short but good talk with to special ed kids waiting in line for pictures. They were confused, admitedly and seemed open to talking with me. From a brief conversation with my MT, I knew Ana when her friends sang happy birthday to her and went to talk with her. Good discussion and connection. I started speaking English with another girl, then when her friends were prompting her to say yes, I was able to switch to spanish. I hope she knew I was joking. Her friends didn't seem to know what to make of a lady in a suit joking with them.
The suit seemed to help several adults introduce themselves as well. Maybe their are just friendly.
And I met some parents: Sandra Fish, Jim Flemming, Carla Anderson who were helping out with the Freshman (sophomore?) barbeque.
I've heard it said that this is Freshman class has a good repulations, just ask the English teachers.
I saw about 15 youth I already know: Jay, Glen, Les, McKennen, Amy, others from Surfside, Ben.
I am borrowing Spanish 1 and Spanish 2 teacher editions from one of the 4.5 Spanish teachers. The new teacher teaches Spanish and French.
We discussed when I might be able to start teaching classes and what that might look like.
Had lunch in the literacy lab and made Boise connections. More questions and information
Timothy already knows Arabic (4th Period) and says he will be "hard to teach" which could be true if he continues to talk like he did. But he is friendly.
I will not wear my first day shoes again until my toes stop hurting. My goal to look older, or at least not a student, was accomplished and affirmed in my first adult conversation of the day. "I thought you were probably not a student because of how you dressed." check
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