
Saturday, November 11, 2006

safe house

Two of my friends have experienced the same thing:

Neither did anything to deserve it and neither chose it. One friend was kicked out of his home because someone thought he should get a job and a real house. The american dream. Another friend's husband was abusive but she had no where to go. Well-meaning friends offered both "two weeks" at my place. I don't know how long my life is going to be out of control.

limitted generosity during unlimitted chaos.

Wouldn't it be awesome to have safe houses dot the Northwest? Maybe each Friends church might consider sponsoring a family to open up their home to other church members who are in hard times. Can't we start by loving each other? Maybe I can just start by taking the limits off of the time and money I allow others.

Sometimes limits help, though. Ah, another case of disernment needed. What, being in relationship with God? No formula, eh?


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